Friday, April 24, 2009

Down With The Sickness

This is what I have done for a week.

Laid in bed, caught up on my soaps and slept WAY too much! It sucked.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Candy Apples And Razor Blades

ill tempered

Went on a walk yesterday because it was amazing out...

Today I have laid in bed ALL day because I am sick. I hate everything!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Surrounded By Water.

This week has been dull.

I had been checking a blog that belongs to the singer of the band Carpathian. They were putting out a split with the band Shipwreck AD. I just found out that it has ALREADY sold out.

I'm going to try to get the next batch that comes out.

I have been playing this alot more with some friends!

get at me if you play!

Been missing too much class and I have been missing Bones more and more!

Other than that, I got nothing! Summer starts soon! Hopefully I can get a decent job and just keep busy with work and making money! It is going to suck! I just want the Trap Them show to get here!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bright Skies And Country Sides

Easter weekend, ended up being not too bad.

If you are ever in are Youngstown/Girard area, hit this place up! (Usually came here whenever taking a trip to West Virginia as a kid!)

All the radio stations seemed to turn to country after crossing the border. Also after a few minutes of being in WV we saw a car that was on fire, not just a little fire but a FIRE!!! I couldnt a good picture though.

Finally got to go to a A&W! Root Beer is by far my favorite beverage so this was kind of a big deal.

That is an AK-47....and I shot it!

This turned into...

This!!! It was over 3 dozen eggs!

“The smoke don't mean it's broke”
I don't know why but I thought this was HILARIOUS!!

Good weekend!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Step Brothers

So I FINALLY got a chance to see this movie after everyone has been talking it up and my review of it is this: GREAT FKN MOVIE!!!!!!! Loved it


My Friday was pretty sweet! Skipped class which I love doing because I hate my english class with a passion!!!

Around 2 me and most of my friends headed to Ocean Buffet to eat some MSG smothered Chinese food! :-)

As you can tell it was terribly awesome!!

I also got this new app for my iPod which let's me update this blog on my iPod instead of my laptop and I'm pretty stoked on that and actually using it right now!!

Sadly I am headed back to Linesville tonight and then to WV for Saturday and Sunday for Easter. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but it tends to be a bit uneventful.

Well back to packing...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Body Ladder

ANOTHER! Game that I thought was fun to play and funny! It made me laugh mainly because the point of the game is to just kill these zombies so that their bodies create and ladder to the stars! I enjoyed it!

Body Ladder

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Let There Be GWAR

Yesterday I decided it would be a good idea to download 15, yes 15 GWAR albums!!

Don't ask me why I did this but today I figured it would be appropriate to wear this shirt.

I fail.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2 Quick Questions

Two things that have me wondering.

1. What happened to AIM, in high school, hell even a year ago I remember it being hard to get off AIM because so many people were on. Either I suck SO hard that no one wants to talk to me anymore OR no one is ever on and if they are on, they have an away message up saying they are not there. I don't, just kind of miss it!

2. Myspace...WTF! Does no one use this anymore, facebook is great and all, but not nearly as good as myspace...just a bummer I guess

BUT, get at me on AIM: whitey6sic6

or Twitter! click the link on the right side!

We May Never Have This Chance Again

I woke up this morning, got out of bed and walked over to my window, moved the curtain and looked outside...
This is what I saw.

It sucks because all I can think about is this...

Miss it more than anything!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Weekend is over...great. Back to the same old shit everyday! Class, gym, diet, and homework. 3 weeks left.

If there was one thing I could have right now it would be for The Banner to play in Erie! I cannot get enough of Frailty.

Also for anyone who checks this I just want to inform you that I am a 5 star chef.

There is brownies buried under that mess of melted marshmallows!! (get ahold of me and i will cook/bake for you)

Finally I have made an executive decision that I am too lazy to shave and I will just grow a beard...


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Great Sperm Race

Be The First

Ghost Town Anthems

Finally did something I enjoyed! My Friday was probably better than yours!

Finally got to see this man beast!

I absolutely HATE this store!!!!!

Check this band out! Even though you couldn't hear the vocals to well at the show I thought they were awesome! Kind of regret not buying that 7" (

Party pack anyone?!

I LOLed so hard when I looked in here! Glad my refrigerator doesn't look like that.

Friday, April 3, 2009


finally something to look forward to