Swine Into Silk
I am going to rant for just a bit. I am not trying to call anyone out or say anything negative to anyone because who am I and does my opinion really matter? I havn't been around that long but it is just something that kind of annoys me about tonight.
I have been beyond stoked for Trap Them to come to Erie because they are becoming one of my favorite bands and they are just awesome. They are a different style of hardcore from what usually comes through Erie which is actually awesome because even though I love the hardcore that has come through lately (ex. Terror, Madball, Reign Supreme etc...) these guys are WAY different and amazing at what they do. What bothers me is that there is over 200 kids at The Secret Handshake show, don't get me wrong to each man his own but it's just hipster dance party bullshit and if that is what you are into thats fine I am not trying to talk shit, I just happen to enjoy hardcore and HATE that "music", sorry. But when a band with some talent like Trap Them or the other 3 other bands that played (all were amazing) and I look around Forward Hall and there isn't that many kids there to begin with and the kids that are there I have NEVER seen before in my life. Where are all the kids that are packing Forward Hall a week before or how about the "hardcore" kids that were there a few weeks ago for Bane/Have Heart. I texted a decent amount of people telling them to come out and surprisingly many of them didn't know about the show, which sucks that it wasn't promoted that well but that happens. But when I hear from friends that say "I have never heard of these bands so I probably wont go."
WHAT THE FUCK?!???! So go and hear some new music or atleast check them out on Myspace to see if you MIGHT like them. But I mean, again, who the fuck am I to say all this. I don't go to EVERY show or even EVERY hardcore show. And I havn't been going to shows in Erie that long. So my opinion doesn't matter. It just sucks finally having a band with some talent come that I love and most of my friends could care less. I understand that not every show can be packed and that this is how things work. I had a blast and just wish more of my friends were there to enjoy it with me thats all.
I know how we talk
I know how we work
This is hostility, deceiver
This is hostility, and you can put it wherever you'd like
Amongst the curdled soil in our backdoor bribes
Under our strobe-lit crimbes
Won't concern me anymore
Can't arrest me anymore
Won't defeat me anymore
I am who we are
I am one
A fallen fighter under weight of universal gun
And i want your gold
All of it
Because im no god
Because im no good
Because im your fault
And just like another anticipated autumn crash
We end with earth in our handsour knees in distressed walk alongs
And our faces in dry dead grass
Yeah i am one
I am your silver tongue
The pills you take at your humid wake
The pills i've always done
No, i'm not your saint
Not your flesh on stone
This guilt in destinationor your drunken bag of bones
And this can't be your story, reporter,because it's all mind, all mine
And you are not my angle, my distance
We left those days behind
So yeah i'll be your god
I am my father's son
I am my mother's child
And i'll submit to none
I'll be no one's cause this is all i want
This is hostility, deceiver
To be your greatest failure
To be your darkest sinner
I'll be your greatest failure
I'll be your darkest sinner
I'll beat everyone
I'll be everyone
I know how we talk
I know how we work
I am who we are
I am one
-Trap Them - Day Eight: Destructioneer Extraordinaire-
I don't like that you discriminate against the kind of shows MY band plays, but I will still respond with an open mind and try to be civil.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it sucks that no one seemed to come out, especially considering the "hardcore" kids that come to the Bane/Have Heart show, that didn't show up at this one. It's just a question of how many people have really heard of Trap Them, etc. They might be good, but let's face it - if no one has heard of them, they are most likely not going to be interested in going.
As for "Why do more people go to The Secret Handshake" instead? Promotion. Simply promotion. I handed out well over 500 flyers by hand, myself for that show. I had to considering my own band was on it and I want to help get our name out there.
I do agree with you that it sucks that not everyone gets as excited about certain music as you or I, but it's just how things go.
If you were at the show and you had a good time, then awesome! Screw everyone else, they're the ones who missed out!
And, you know I would have gone last night if I didn't have my own show to play out of town.
Anyways, see you later today probably haha!
I am not trying to discriminate against any of the bands or the shows your bands play. I said it is not the type of music I am a fan of and that is why I am not there. But where are the kids that go to the hardcore shows? The singer for Another Breath talked during their set and said, he came from a shit town and what is there to do on a friday night? Go to a show.
ReplyDeleteBut yea you are right, I had a GREAT time and everyone else did miss out!
Tyler, i beg to differ on promotion being a factor for the TSH show. I'm not saying you didn't promote because you always promote your shows very well, but you can't deny that TSH is simply a myspace hype band and a lot of the draw was from them being part of the "in" with that music right now. You handed out 500 fliers for that show, but only 220 kids paid... so more than half the kids you gave fliers to, DIDN'T go. It's really hard to ever say why a show does or doesn't do well. Maybe it's "hype," maybe it's money, or maybe it's even a simple fact of longevity (Madball and Bane have been around long enough that they SHOULD draw over 200 kids, where as Trap Them is relatively new to the market). I booked Liferuiner, Dr. Acula, and APFP last summer. Didn't hand out a single flier for that show. 350 kids paid.I did a show with Ligeia, handed out 200 fliers, and commented the flier on every single person on BC's friend list. 43 paid. I honestly feel promotion is a small part of it. Kids either want to go or they don't. it's that simple.