Monday, March 22, 2010

The Duke

Another adventure comes and goes.
I spent my days in the city.
Exploring. Eating. Laughing. Smiling.
Makes it so hard to go back to reality.
You gotta do what you gotta do though.
Bittersweet is the only word to describe it.
The curse is still alive.

A new recipe.

All aboard.

Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together.

Bright Skies & Country Sides.

Borrowed Reading.

"Well how about that?"

The Freedom Tunnel.

The King of Fruit.

Late Night Fist Fights.


Red Bamboo Vegan Soul Chicken.

You're Welcome.


Bittersweet Travelling?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day By Day

Apparently this blog has become about food.
And I guess I hold things a lot for pictures.
Each day is a day closer to another adventure that I am stoked on.
March is here so that means only one thing, Shamrock Shakes.
The booked sucked.
Down For Anything. For Real!

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's Hard To Pull Yourself Up When You're Down This Low

I feel like this pictures are becoming very routine.
Same pictures, different times, but fuck it.
It refuses to stop snowing.
Received a letter from a friend in Reno!
Bring on the hangouts,
and trying to continue Protest of Winter.
Oh Hey March! Nice to see you.